Friday, April 29, 2011

And It Begins!

Since teachers are now told to be as flexible as possible with technology and how necessary personal updates are, I have decided to blog while I student teach.  Reading the blogs of others who are student teaching help me realize what is in store for me.  Student teaching is something I have been looking forward to since I entered the education program at the University of Iowa.  I have worked painstakingly to broaden my horizons as much as possible to best help my students in the future. 
Yesterday we got our student teaching placements and I am so thrilled to be placed in a third grade classroom in Chicago.  As a former Chicago Public School student, I could never imagine myself ending up in any school district beside the one that I have always known.  Third grade was my favorite year in school and I think it was a mixture of the excellent teacher I had and the age I was.  My third grade teacher is the best teacher I have ever had.  I still have such a crisp memory of her being kind and nurturing while pushing us to challenge ourselves every day in the classroom.  She is the kind of teacher I hope to be.  I remember this one unit we had on Lewis and Clark- she brought in fake raccoon hats and boat paddles for us to dramatize the history we were learning.  Instead of reading a passage out of a book and answering questions (which I doubt I would remember), my teacher brought what we were learning into a tangible experience to help deepen the learning.  
When I am student teaching this fall, I hope to provide my students with some similar memories about academic content that they loved learning.  I know I will learn so much from my cooperating teacher and also from my students.  Children are the brightest light I have ever seen.  The name of my blog is Taare Zameen Par, which is a Hindi phrase meaning "stars on the ground".  This refers to the notion that each child brings something so special and individual to the classroom.  I went to India in January of 2011 to learn about the educational system and try to implement their strengths into my own future classrooms.  I will discuss my findings more later in this blog, I am certain.  But I did learn that such a simple idea- taare zameen par- can divide the teachers who will sparkle from the teachers who will fade.  Teachers need to notice the gems within each student and help them excel and anything they try.

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